Self Care. Is it Important to You?

By | 9:25 PM Leave a Comment

I don't know about you, but the end of the school year completely drains me.  I find myself burning the candle at both ends trying to manage home life and work life.  This year was a big shift for me because I went back full-time.  Up until this year I had negotiated a job share situation that was fantastic!

So, when I came home after one of those double migraine days, I decided to head to my favorite little spot in the front yard and rest.  I ended up falling asleep and one of the boys snapped this picture of me.  It was a great reminder that I first need to take care of myself before I can effectively help others.

What are some ways you take care of yourself?  I enjoy my fair share of long bubble baths at night once everyone is in bed!


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